How to create calendar in Ms Outlook 2007

Microsoft Outlook 2007
Introduction to Calendar


is the equivalent of a diary and allows you to schedule appointments, holidays, events or meetings. The appointments stored in the calendar can then be moved, deleted or edited. Details held in the calendar can be printed out in a variety of formats.

Calendar Terminology


An allocated period of time on your calendar. Although it may involve other people, you are not accessing or sharing those people’s calendars in Outlook. Your time will be blocked out as busy by default.


An allocated period of time in the calendar. The meeting involves other people whose calendars interact with yours. When organising a meeting you use Outlook to ascertain a time when all required attendees and facilities are available. Your time will be blocked out as busy by default


An event is an item that you want to mark on the calendar e.g. a birthday, anniversary or bank holiday. Events do not occupy your time as such, your time will be blocked out as free by default

Microsoft Outlook 2007 (Calendar)-Ver1