Emailing photo can be either really easy or very difficult depending upon whether you know how to do it or not. If you know how to email photos, it is so simple to do. If you have never done it before, it seems like you will never get the hang of it. Have no fear it is easy to learn how to send photos by email.
There are two major options that you have available. The first is to simply compress the overall picture size before you email photo; you do this by reducing the number of pixels in the image. This is typically a much more complicated process, and takes a great amount of time to do, as well as effects the quality of the picture you are trying to compress.
You can then take the modified picture and simply attach the file to your email message that you are sending. This is called an attachment, which allows the entire picture to be “clipped” to the message you are sending. When you attach a file, it is very similar to slipping a copy of a document into an envelope and mailing it to someone. Same concept, except email is much quicker and does not involve a post office.
Most major email programs have the option to attach files (and digital photo is a file) to your email messages. It is generally done using the “Attach” function. I am going to briefly explain where you can find these functions in the major email programs so that you can soon be sending messages like the pros.
Hotmail and Yahoo are very simple to use, all you need to do is click “Attach” and then browse your computer for the files. Select the files you wish to attach and then send them on their way.
AOL is the same way, except for clicking on “Attach” you would click on a button that says “Attachment” It is a very simple process to attach files and email photo using these methods. They make it quite simple to attach multiple files, so you can send several pictures with each message.
Eudora, Netscape, and Outlook all utilize a paper clip icon that stands for the “Attach” function. This is very fitting since you are basically clipping a file to the message you are sending. It is a very simple and effective method of sending the file you wish.
Some programs will allow you to attach a file simply by dragging the file into the composing window for your message. Outlook supports this quite simply, while other programs are starting to expand to support this.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to change initial photo sizes you can compress your photo with one of the advanced photo compression methods.
Alternative way: using advanced photo compression software with option to email pictures.
Compress Pic Using Email
Compress Picture Using Email
Posted by
on Friday, October 23, 2009
Microsoft Outlook 2007
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